Saturday, November 17, 2012

A-hole of the week November 11-17, 2012

Welcome, faithful readers to the semi-non-regular post naming the biggest a-hole of the week.  We will be scouring the world to find the man or woman who most closely resembles the behavior of a walking sphincter with ears.

In our inaugural edition we head to our country's most northeastern state.  The home of the lobster roll and Hawkeye Pierce; it's the pine tree state, beautiful Maine and the deluded mind of GOP chairman Charlie Webster.  From the Bangor Daily News:

Do what??? Wowza! later in the interview he went on to say "None of these locations in Maine are known for their fried chicken or watermelon.  Well, maybe watermelon but that is totally out of season right now!  What would all those people eat?" I may or may not have made that last part up.  Who can be sure? I wasn't there and neither were you.  And would it be that shocking if he did?

I'm from Oklahoma...I don't really know where we stand as far as locale designation. We can't be called the south, certainly not the midwest..but can anything east of the rockies qualify as the west?  I don't know but I do know this; this is one bigoted and racist place.  We still see the appearance of the confederate flag now and then by those showing "pride in their heritage".  But seeing something like this from the liberal (i.e. communist) New England area kinda made me do a double take.

He actually DID go on to invoke the white guilt tri-fecta; "I'm not a racist, I know a lot of black people.  I even play basketball with a black guy."  Now that's not a direct quote, but it was some variant of that.  Really.  I am not making that up.  And in this day and age.  And from a man in such a position as his. Any wonder the republicans are losing ground with any group with skin-tone?

And BTW:
This was a tight race this week with misogynist Pat Robertson weighing in on that innocent CIA director being tempted by that harlot of a biographer of his and Mitt Romney still making excuses for why those stupidhead unwashed masses didn't pick him.  Both gave commendable efforts and I will name them both runners-up.

In reason,


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