Sunday, November 11, 2012


Today is, in my opinion, one of the most important and least mentioned holidays in the USA; Veteran's Day. We should be especially mindful of honoring our veterans considering how many of them are currently in harm's way in Afghanistan.

To any veteran who stumbles upon this blog I say thank you.  I won't call you a hero, because I know your likely feelings on that matter.  I'll say this though; be proud!  Whether you served where the bullets were flying and shells were falling. Whether you flew a sleek and sexy fighter jet or a lumbering C130 carrying essential goods to our troops. Cooking, payroll, on a ship, on land...wherever or whatever you may have done; you have played an important role in the history of this country and this world. Know this; you served an eternally grateful nation.

I want to also confess.  I have been one of those ugly Americans in the past who didn't recognize the service and sacrifice of what I saw as "lesser" country than the good ol' US of A.  I speak specifically to the veterans of the Canadian Forces.  I have become enlightened as to the commitment of all Canadians to the security of our hemisphere and quite frankly my country.  You have been and are an integral partner with the USA and our shared security.  To all of you; my apologies for being so arrogant and most sincere gratefulness.  Thank you for your service to your country and to our world.  Happy Remembrance Day.

And BTW: This "fiscal cliff" we found ourselves poised on the precipice of..let's fix it congress!  Let this day steel your resolve to protect our veterans.  None of the benefits we give these brave men and women should be in jeopardy for political gain, and I'm looking at you Mitch McConnel.

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