Monday, November 19, 2012

Great moments in Christian Persecution (he said sarcastically)

Well, it's happened again.  Yet another monument to the christian god was raised at the Oklahoma State Capitol.  I searched and couldn't find a listing for the number of states which have such an endorsement of religion on property owned by all of the people.

Here's the thing...I believe man can and does find morality absent religion.  It's called humanity.  Its equity, fairness, and it's present within all of us.  I don't require a set of rules based on the writings of some men from  centuries ago.  This country was founded on the basis of religious freedom, that includes freedom from that religion.  I don't like to be in anyone's face about this, but it's silly to argue this doesn't endorse christianity over other faiths....and quite frankly a thinly disguised non-truth (AKA; a LIE).

The secret hope of fundamentalists is that the words of god written on that tablet will in some way open the heart of at least one non-believer and bring them into a life with christ.  That's pure and simple and the truth.  It is a method to proselytize and not a means of "honoring our heritage" or some such drivel.

The people in support of this are some of the same people who couldn't back Mitt Romney early on because he was Mormon.  The deem Mormonism a cult, and rightly so, but so is your faith.  Joseph Smith finding some rocks that he could read with some magic glasses is no more ridiculous than a burning bush talking to a man in the desert.

The people in support of this are the same people who passed the law specifically forbidding Oklahoma judges from considering sharia law in any of their rulings (which by the way had never happened before). The same who would give much hew and cry would an Islamic group want a monument to Mohamed or a Buddhist group a statue of a big fat guy.  In other words; intolerant, religious bigots!!

Why is it only intolerance and persecution when someone opposes a christian idea?  Why is anything to do with ANY other religion an attack on "traditional judeo christian values?  Hypocrites, one and all.

In reason,


And BTW:
A funny side note to this story.  Possibly showing yet another christian prejudice; that towards traditional learning in evil public schools who teach, among other things; spelling, grammar, and (gasp) science

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