Friday, November 16, 2012

Who knew?

I'm pretty new at this blogging stuff and don't quite get how it works.  So the other day I was at work and decided to enter "bible dumper" in my Bing search.  Now obviously this brand new blog didn't show up but this definition from the urban dictionary did. Someone who uses the bible or god as an excuse for ending a relationship.  "I didn't break up with Julie because I found someone prettier, I prayed about it and god spoke to me and told me I should date Jane."

I chuckled upon reading that.  Here I was trying to describe myself as being someone who has dumped the bible as a blueprint for my life, and there was already a description of this phrase that involved christians doing mean things.  It made me think about how christians use that excuse that can neither be proven nor disproven; "It's god's will." 

Christians LOVE this caveat.  It makes every thing they do okay and everything that happens (good or bad) not their fault.  Why did that woman get raped?  Why do all these children starve? Why does Adrian Peterson have the ability to run so fast?  Why do good things happen to bad people?  We can never know, but god has a plan.  What a bullshit, cop out!  It leaves no one accountable for anything! 

An embarrassing confession; I sometimes watch the Real Housewives franchise on Bravo.  Don't ask me why, because I don't know.  It makes my wife happy and gives us something to talk about. The people on that show are truly ridiculous!  My favorite of all the Housewives is probably the Orange County variant. One of the couples, Jim and Alexis, are truly ridiculous and phony christians.  He's a misogynist (like any good fundamentalist), she's a bimbo with ambitions to work as TV news personality.

There was one episode where he wanted her to stay at home with the kids.  She wanted to go forward with her "career" and take lessons.  They had both prayed about it, and lo and behold; god told Alexis what she wanted to hear and Jim what he wanted! What does that tell you about that "still, small voice"?  It's in your head! Not your heart.  Who was god lying to?  Oh, must be god's will to leave that issue unresolved.

And BTW: All the uproar over this shirtless FBI agent is just a bit ridiculous.  It's just another example of how BOTH sides just look for ways to foment outrage against the other.  Who doesn't look at this and see the obvious joke?

Ahhh...American politics...gotta love it!

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