Friday, November 9, 2012

The Next Left Wing Conspiracy to Steal the Election

Prediction time! One of the great refrains heard on Fox News is that of a vast conspiracy by the liberal media.  It is alleged that media has an inherent liberal bias and pay no heed to stories that would do harm to their agenda to take down "traditional America".  I must say, I do not see and have not seen such bias in the "mainstream" media.  If any bias is shown I think it is shown in editing themselves based on what stories, or angles for stories, serve best in protecting advertising dollars.

Watch for this one: The liberal media sat on the story of David Petraeus and his extramarital affair in order to preserve victory for Barack Obama. I feel certain someone, be it FNC, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity...someone has to think this was covered up until after victory was secured.  Facts matter little to these "news" organizations, presenters, or commenters who I have mentioned so I'm sure they will manufacture their own to merge with their opinion.

I will not defend General Petraeus.  In his position to be caught in such an affair is an affront to national security.  To have the head of the CIA captured in such a situation is to expose him to any number of chances for blackmail (silence in trade for secrets) or just general embarassment of the intelligence community.  On the other hand; I will not judge.  General Petraeus is but man...and subject to all the weaknesses that accompany that title.

And BTW: please feel free to comment, but please keep it civil and intelligent. Don't be an internet hero who feels in this forum you can be an a-hole without fear of being called to task.  Read often and agree or disagree. I won't always be as politically vitriolic or speaking out against religion.  I intend to post more lighthearted stuff.  Even pictures!  Good day to all.

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