Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Howdy yall

I'm no bleeding heart..but I have become a liberal.  I used to think that a dirty word...a slur against someone.  You see; I was once a conservative christian republican.  Now I never really got into the tea party stuff. That came about during the time I was starting to re-think things.

I used to be Southern Baptist (SB), and let me tell you; I am ashamed to say I ever thought that way.  I was one of those who actually believed homosexuals posed a threat to American society, to our status as "greatest nation in the world.  I believed, as SB's do, that a person would chose to live a life of unreal persecution and hatred.  They always preached to me "love god, hate sin", but I never really saw that in action.

I once believed Islam, Mormonism, Jehovah's witnesses, and even Judaism were all evil cults that had the most outrageous stories for how there religion came about or what they had to look forward to in the afterlife.  I now realize; Joseph Smith finding golden tablets in New York, Mohamed flying on a horse to Mecca, or the Maccabees's having oil for the whole of Hanukkah, all of that..ALL of it is no less ridiculous than a burning bush or an ark holding EVERY living thing.

Today I am fed, full up with the hypocrisy that is embodied in nearly every right-wing, conservative, fundamentalist Christian.  I've had it. This is America and we should be allowed to do what we want to ourselves; in spite of what the bible says.  This country was not founded on the was founded on the desire to be free of tyranny.  Christians today would have us replace the tyranny of King George with that of the King of Kings, all because THEY believe him to be real and his "word" to be how we all should live.

I disagree with that.  Am I pro-abortion? No.  I am in favor of a woman making her own decision, not a bunch of men sitting in a position of power.  I am in favor of a person choosing to love who they wish in spite of whether or not it offends you. "Just because you're offended, doesn't mean you're right."

That's a basic synopsis of who I am.  If you read this and are offended, please go somewhere else.  I don't want to hear your testimony.  I have accepted Jesus Christ as my lord and saviour, and if you believe the bible he will never leave me nor forsake me, so I don't need your prayer and I don't want to hear you tell me the devil has blinded me with science (cue the Thomas Dolby song).  I'm just looking for a place to express myself.  I don't mind disagreement or correction, I just don't need your proselytizing to me.

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