Thursday, November 8, 2012

Murderers and the death penalty

Jared Loughner was sentenced today to life in prison.  Loughner shot and killed 6 people and wounded 13 others.  Including Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and U.S. District Court Judge John Roll.  Not to mention a 9 year old girl.

I remember this tragedy well.  I am a police officer for 20 years and I have often payed attention to this kind of stuff from a professional standpoint.  I was shocked at the depravity of such extreme behavior, and believe me when I say to you; extremism in any shape or form is the problem.  Not Democrat or Republican.

I remember having a conversation with a friend/co-worker about the Gifford's shooting.  This was before my transformation to liberal heathen was complete.  My friend, who was and is a conservative republican, said to me, referring to John Roll, "I guess that's one less liberal activist judge that will be legislating from the bench."

That statement took my breath away. Now don't get me wrong, I know for certain this officer would have acted the way a police officer should had he been there that terrible day in Arizona.  But this was shocking to me that a human can possibly think that way, if only for a moment.  Read John Roll's profile and you will see he was appointed by George H.W. Bush in 1991.  He was no liberal activist.  But put aside for a moment how you feel about politics.  Wouldn't a human reaction be one of grief or sadness for those victims; "Oh my god what a tragedy.  What kind of asshole would indiscriminately shoot and kill so many people?"

The lack of humanity in that statement helped to bring me to think the way I think today.  It made me remember christians and their reactions to abortion clinic snipers.  I have actually heard christians say something to the effect of "they had it coming" upon hearing of some poor innocent doctor just making a living, saving women's lives, and doing it all legally and legitimately. How sad the "religion of peace" would give a lukewarm condemnation for such a horrible act.  Sure, disagree with his stance on abortion, but murder of anyone is murder.  It doesn't matter how they made their living.

This is America.  The land of the free. And people here are allowed to perform abortions, allowed to be Democrats.  They are allowed to disagree with you and you with them!

And BTW: can the NHL and NHLPA please just get along?  I have only recently started a new assignment at work that allows me weekends off and I was SOOOO looking forward to the winter classic, which I understand is in jeopardy.

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